Automate and Secure Your Files with M-Files Document Management

Address your document management challenges using the robust M-Files document management platform from M-Files Corporation. M-Files software simplifies collaboration, access, and information sharing by replacing the folder-related headaches with metadata. Enjoy enhanced efficiency and error reduction through customizable workflows and automation. Book a demo now!

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Work Smarter with M-Files Now

M-Files document management system replaces the old, inefficient folder structure with a metadata-based system that offers a smarter, more intuitive way to manage information.

   Enjoy easy information sharing with a single source of truth.

  Eliminate errors and time wasted on low-value manual repetitive tasks.

   Keep control over local and regional documents while enforcing compliance.

M-Files software helps eliminate document classification paradox and improves security in their document management processes.

metadata to facilitate information management

Supercharge Your Business Operations with M-Files Integrations

M-Files integrates with Microsoft 365, Salesforce, Adobe Sign, Google Workspace, Sharepoint, and others. M-Files platform  streamlines workflows and eliminates the frustration of duplicate documents. Govern the power of information, with transparent access to relevant data, you can empower your team to work more efficiently and deliver exceptional customer service. Contact us today for M-Files pricing and start supercharging your global operations.

m-files integrations

Discover How M-Files Saves Your Business Millions

Many of our satisfied customers have reported savings of several million dollars using M-Files as their go-to document management tool. But don't just take our word for it, 90%* of Gartner Peer Insights respondents would recommend M-Files. 

  • crowe-testimonial-dark-blue

    “M-Files were able to adapt with us and roll out a fully functioning system under lockdown conditions to more than a thousand people.”

    Ian Norman, National technology Director,

    Crowe UK

  • TKE-testimonial-dark-blue

    “We have more than 500 users across seven departments – and we’re growing.  We have saved the equivalent of 900 trees and $1.5 million to date.”

    Mike Fuller, Developer/ Analyst,

    TK Elevator

  • StearnsBank-logo-2022-225px-dark-blue-2

    “In the accounts payable department, we’ve reduced the turnaround time to get invoices approved from two or three days to less than one day.”

    Jen Dingmann, IT Manager,

    Stearns Bank

*As of April 2023, based on 44 reviews over the past 18 months.

Built by the team who has successfully empowered

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  • Accent-blue-logo
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  • Crowe-blue-logo

See MFiles in Action

M-Files offers intelligent content and document management. Get cloud-ready in an instant, and manage information in any system, from any device. Start future-proofing your business. Learn more about our platform and M-Files pricing today.
