M-Files: Strong Performer blant plattformer for innholdshåndtering  

Gartner® har publisert sin Gartner Peer Insights™ «Voice of the Customer» fra mai 2024: Content Services Platforms

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This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from M-Files.


M-Files er anerkjent av kunder som en”Strong Performer” i Gartner® Peer Insights™ “Voice of the Customer”: Content Services Platforms i mai 2024.

Vi mener at 2024 Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”-rapporten for Content Services Platforms er et nyttig verktøy for virksomhets- og IT-ledere som ønsker å identifisere og vurdere CSP-løsninger. Ved å lese rapporten kan du finne ut hvilken plattform som passer best for din virksomhets behov for informasjonshåndtering.


Gartner® Peer Insights™ is an online platform of ratings and reviews of IT software and services that are written and read by IT professionals and technology decision-makers. The goal is to help IT leaders make more insightful purchase decisions and help technology providers improve their products by receiving objective, unbiased feedback from their customers. Gartner Peer Insights includes more than 350,000 verified reviews in more than 340 markets. For more information, please visit www.gartner.com/reviews/home.

Les rapporten og få svar på hvorfor våre kunder anser oss som "Strong Performer".

Disclaimers: Gartner and Peer Insights

Gartner Research MethodologiesGartner® Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’: Content Services Platforms, By Peer Contributors, 24 May 2024.

Based on 42 reviews in the 18-month review period ending March 2024.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark, and PEER INSIGHTS is a trademark and service mark, of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

Gartner Peer Insights content consists of the opinions of individual end users based on their own experiences with the vendors listed on the platform, should not be construed as statements of fact, nor do they represent the views of Gartner or its affiliates. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in this content nor makes any warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this content, about its accuracy or completeness, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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M-Files er den ledende plattformen for automatisering av Knowledge Work. Med M-Files sin plattform kan kunnskapsmedarbeidere finne informasjon raskere, arbeide smartere og oppnå mer. M-Files har en innovativ metadata-drevet arkitektur, innebygd motor for arbeidsflyt og avansert kunstig intelligens. Dette gjør det mulig for kunder å fjerne informasjonskaos, forbedre effektiviteten i arbeidsprosessene samt automatisere sikkerheten og etterlevelse av regler. For mer informasjon, besøk www.m-files.com/no.